HVAC Solutions for the Comfort Buildings needs

Modern new or existing building expansions/retrofit standard are today the best indoor climate quality despite different world locations and related possibile extreme conditions.

Additionally the capability to serve different areas from living rooms to corridors and others asks for high flexible units both in dimensions and performing.

STA special AIR Handling Units for key success factors are:

  • Superb indoor air quality
  • Energy efficiency
  • Product competitiveness


STA designs its AHU to provide superior air quality for hotels customers and their standardd needs.

  • Temperature/humidity/comfort
  • Lowest noise level


Designed to match with different outdoor seasonal climate indoor stable air quality STA AHU provides:

  • Thermal handling control
  • Energy optimization/saving



From engineering / manufacturing to installation / start up the STA AHU have the highest know how and experience to provide:

  • Flexible dimensions/weight
  • Easier installation/maintenance

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Documentations & Certifications

Comfort Buildings HVAC requires for each project clear and detailed Documentation & Certification from single equipment to complete AHU systems and from engineering and manufacturing to FAT house testing.

STA with 20 years of global deliveries experience has the specific skills to provide the Customers of the complete Documentation & Certifications for world wide projects matching always International and national Defence required rules and standards.